WGS Assembly evaluation with QUAST(2)

We run:


with the following parameters:

What? parameter Our value
The input assembly positional ~/workdir/assembly/assembly_wgs/assembly.contigs.fasta/
The output directory -o ~/workdir/assembly/assembly_wgs/quast/
The number of threads to be used -t 14

The complete commandline is:

quast.py -t 14 -o ~/workdir/assembly/assembly_wgs/quast/ -r ~/workdir/wuhan.fasta ~/workdir/assembly/assembly_wgs/assembly.contigs.fasta

QUAST generates HTML reports including a number of interactive graphics. To access these reports, open them using a file browser:

firefox ~/workdir/assembly/assembly_wgs/quast/report.html

Inspect the results - are you satisfied with the assembly now?