Quality control by mapping(2)

Map the data to the Wuhan reference:

minimap2 -a -t 14 ~/workdir/wuhan.fasta ~/workdir/assembly/assembly_wgs/assembly.contigs.fasta | samtools view -b - | samtools sort - > ~/workdir/mappings/assembly_wgs_vs_wuhan.sorted.bam

Create the index:

samtools index ~/workdir/mappings/assembly_wgs_vs_wuhan.sorted.bam

Load GenomeView with:

java -jar ~/genomeview-N42.jar

Load the wuhan reference and the mapping and look at the data - is it more equally distributed?

In the next step, we perform the assembly with canu and the WGS dataset.References

Minimap2 https://github.com/lh3/minimap2

samtools http://www.htslib.org

IGV http://www.broadinstitute.org/igv/