Assembly with WGS dataset(2)

Generate corrected reads

The command to run the canu correction is:


with the following parameters:

What? parameter Our value
The input read file -nanopore-raw ~/workdir/data_wgs/Cov2_HK_WGS_small_porechopped.fastq.gz
The output directory -d ~/workdir/assembly/assembly_wgs/
Prefix for output files -p assembly
Use a grid engine useGrid false
Genome Size genomeSize 30k
Minimum Read Length minReadLength 300
Minimum Overlap Length minOverlapLength 20

The complete command is:

canu -d ~/workdir/assembly/assembly_wgs/ -p assembly useGrid=false -nanopore-raw ~/workdir/data_wgs/Cov2_HK_WGS_small_porechopped.fastq.gz genomeSize=30k minReadLength=300 minOverlapLength=20