Assembly with canu(2)

Generate corrected reads

The command to run the canu correction is:

canu -correct

with the following parameters:

What? parameter Our value
The input read file -nanopore-raw ~/workdir/data_artic/basecall_small_porechopped.fastq.gz
The output directory -d ~/workdir/assembly/small_correct
Prefix for output files -p assembly
Use a grid engine useGrid false
Genome Size genomeSize 30k
Minimum Read Length minReadLength 300
Minimum Overlap Length minOverlapLength 20 or try out different value
Optional: Coverage of corrected reads corOutCoverage something smaller than our coverage (~600)
Optional: Min coverage for corrected reads corMinCoverage 0 to get all
Optional: Correction Sensitivity corMhapSensitivity normal

The corOutCoverage parameter defines to which coverage the reads are corrected, longest reads are corrected first. It is advisable to set this parameter high, to get more sequences into the assembly. corMinCoverage set to low value, will report low covered reads as well and corMhapSensitivity=normal is advised for higher coverage.

The complete command is:

canu -correct -d ~/workdir/assembly/small_correct -p assembly useGrid=false -nanopore-raw ~/workdir/data_artic/basecall_small_porechopped.fastq.gz genomeSize=30k minReadLength=300 minOverlapLength=20

Get error statistics

Let’s get some error statistics for the corrected reads. Map the corrected reads to the Wuhan reference:

minimap2 -a ~/workdir/wuhan.fasta ~/workdir/assembly/small_correct/assembly.correctedReads.fasta.gz | samtools view -b - | samtools sort - > ~/workdir/assembly/small_correct/corrected_reads_vs_wuhan.sorted.bam

Then run qualimap:

qualimap bamqc -bam ~/workdir/assembly/small_correct/corrected_reads_vs_wuhan.sorted.bam -nw 5000 -nt 14 -c -outdir ~/workdir/assembly/small_correct/qualimap/

Then open the results in a web browser:

firefox ~/workdir/assembly/small_correct/qualimap/qualimapReport.html

Inspect the results, how much did our error rate decrease?

Generate and assemble trimmed reads

The trimming stage identifies unsupported regions in the input and trims or splits reads to their longest supported range. The assembly stage makes a final pass to identify sequencing errors; constructs the best overlap graph (BOG); and outputs contigs, an assembly graph, and summary statistics.

Now run the trimming and assembly step using the following command:

canu -trim-assemble

You need to define the following parameters:

-nanopore-corrected <corrected reads file>

The output directory should be named:


In addition, we need some further parameters:

useGrid=false (we don't have a cluster)
minReadLength=<minimum read length>
minOverlapLength=<minimum overlap length>
genomeSize=<size of the target genome, i.e. 50k>

Use the same parameters as before (although you could use different settings here).

Go to the next page, if you need help.