Read mapping to a reference (3)

SAM to BAM conversion with samtools

To create a sorted BAM file from a SAM file we can use:

samtools view -b ~/workdir/mappings/basecall_tiny_porechopped_vs_wuhan.sam | samtools sort - > ~/workdir/mappings/basecall_tiny_porechopped_vs_wuhan.sorted.bam

And for the Illumina data:

samtools view -b ~/workdir/mappings/illumina_vs_wuhan.sam | samtools sort - > ~/workdir/mappings/illumina_vs_wuhan.sorted.bam

Then create indizes on the sorted BAM files:

samtools index ~/workdir/mappings/basecall_tiny_porechopped_vs_wuhan.sorted.bam
samtools index ~/workdir/mappings/illumina_vs_wuhan.sorted.bam

Inspect the results using GenomeView

Then start the genome browser GenomeView:

java -jar ~/genomeview-N42.jar

Load the Wuhan-Reference and the mappings (the sorted BAM files) and inspect the mapping results. Have a look on the mapping quality in particular (Zoom in to see mismatches in alignment). You can load data with: File->Load data… then choose the appropriate files.

To see not only a fraction of the mappings go to File->Configuration->Short reads and change the “Maxiumum display depth of stacked reads” to a larger value.


