Generating Error Profiles(2)

Inferring error profiles using samtools

The command to run samtools stats is quite simple:

samtools stats ~/workdir/mappings/basecall_tiny_porechopped_vs_wuhan.sorted.bam >  ~/workdir/mappings/basecall_tiny_porechopped_vs_wuhan.stats

and for Illumina:

samtools stats -@ 14 ~/workdir/mappings/illumina_vs_wuhan.sorted.bam >  ~/workdir/mappings/illumina_vs_wuhan.stats

Inspect the files with:

less ~/workdir/mappings/basecall_tiny_porechopped_vs_wuhan.stats
less ~/workdir/mappings/illumina_vs_wuhan.stats

Enhanced mapping statistics

To get a more in depth info on the actual accuracy of the data at hand, including the genome coverage, we’re going to use a more comprehensive and interactive software comparable to FastQC which is called Qualimap. Qualimap has a tool “bamqc” for statistics on BAM files:

usage: qualimap bamqc -bam <arg> [-c] [-gd <arg>] [-gff <arg>] [-hm <arg>] [-ip]
       [-nr <arg>] [-nt <arg>] [-nw <arg>] [-oc <arg>] [-os] [-outdir <arg>]
       [-outfile <arg>] [-outformat <arg>] [-p <arg>] [-sd] [-sdmode <arg>]
 -bam <arg>                           Input mapping file in BAM format
 -c,--paint-chromosome-limits         Paint chromosome limits inside charts
 -gd,--genome-gc-distr <arg>          Species to compare with genome GC
                                      distribution. Possible values: HUMAN -
                                      hg19; MOUSE - mm9(default), mm10
 -gff,--feature-file <arg>            Feature file with regions of interest in
                                      GFF/GTF or BED format
 -hm <arg>                            Minimum size for a homopolymer to be
                                      considered in indel analysis (default is
 -ip,--collect-overlap-pairs          Activate this option to collect statistics
                                      of overlapping paired-end reads
 -nr <arg>                            Number of reads analyzed in a chunk
                                      (default is 1000)
 -nt <arg>                            Number of threads (default is 28)
 -nw <arg>                            Number of windows (default is 400)
 -oc,--output-genome-coverage <arg>   File to save per base non-zero coverage.
                                      Warning: large files are expected for
                                      large genomes
 -os,--outside-stats                  Report information for the regions outside
                                      those defined by feature-file  (ignored
                                      when -gff option is not set)
 -outdir <arg>                        Output folder for HTML report and raw
 -outfile <arg>                       Output file for PDF report (default value
                                      is report.pdf).
 -outformat <arg>                     Format of the output report (PDF, HTML or
                                      both PDF:HTML, default is HTML).
 -p,--sequencing-protocol <arg>       Sequencing library protocol:
                                      strand-specific-reverse or
                                      non-strand-specific (default)
 -sd,--skip-duplicated                Activate this option to skip duplicated
                                      alignments from the analysis. If the
                                      duplicates are not flagged in the BAM
                                      file, then they will be detected by
                                      Qualimap and can be selected for skipping.
 -sdmode,--skip-dup-mode <arg>        Specific type of duplicated alignments to
                                      skip (if this option is activated).
                                      0 : only flagged duplicates (default)
                                      1 : only estimated by Qualimap
                                      2 : both flagged and estimated

Special arguments:

    --java-mem-size  Use this argument to set Java memory heap size. Example:
                     qualimap bamqc -bam very_large_alignment.bam --java-mem-size=4G


qualimap bamqc

on the mapping files now (*.sorted.bam - Illumina and Nanopore mappings). Use the following options:

-nt 14
-nw 50000
-bam <input file>
-outdir <output directory>

The output folders should be named:


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