Polishing with medaka(2)

We call:


with the following parameters:

What? parameter Our value
The input read file -i ~/workdir/data_wgs/Cov2_HK_WGS_small_porechopped.fastq.gz
The racon polished assembly -d ~/workdir/assembly/assembly_wgs/racon.fasta
The output directory -o ~/workdir/assembly/assembly_wgs/medaka
Number of threads -t 14
The model -m r941_min_high_g360

The complete commandline is:

medaka_consensus -t 14 -m r941_min_high_g360 -i ~/workdir/data_wgs/Cov2_HK_WGS_small_porechopped.fastq.gz  -d ~/workdir/assembly/assembly_wgs/racon.fasta -o ~/workdir/assembly/assembly_wgs/medaka

In a next step, we will use quast to compare our assemblies.

If medaka_consensus fails with an error massage try the following an re-run the command above:

pip install tensorflow