Basecalling with Guppy(2)

We need to specify the following options:

What? parameter Our value
The config file for our flowcell/kit combination -c dna_r9.4.1_450bps_hac_model.cfg
Compress the fastq output –compress_fastq
The full path to the directory where the raw read files are located -i ~/workdir/data_artic/barcode_tiny/
The full path to the directory where the basecalled files will be saved -s ~/workdir/data_artic/basecall_tiny/
How many worker threads you are using –cpu_threads_per_caller 14
Number of parallel basecallers to create –num_callers 1

Our complete command line using these parameters is:

guppy_basecaller_cpu --compress_fastq -i  ~/workdir/data_artic/barcode_tiny/ -s ~/workdir/data_artic/basecall_tiny/ --cpu_threads_per_caller 14 --num_callers 1 -c dna_r9.4.1_450bps_hac.cfg

